Chiropractic Pricing
First Consultation (All New Patients): $90
Regular Consultation (Existing Patients): $60
Regular Consultation (Existing Patients – Student, Pensioner): $55
Low Level Laser Therapy Session (Existing Patients): $30
Product Pricing
Foot Levelers Custom Flexible Orthotics: $370
Chiroflow Original Fibre Pillow: $150
Chiroflow Memory Foam Pillow: $170
The Marathon Stick (Yellow Grip): $60
The Travel Stick (Red Grip): $55
Blackroll Mini Foam Roller: $20
Blackroll Loop Band: $25
Rocktape 5m x 5cm: $20
Rocktape 32m x 5cm: $120
Denneroll Spinal Orthotics: $40 – $60
Topo Athletic Shoes: $180 – $240
Vivobarefoot Shoes: $220 – $390